Emmunctory organs are the organs of elimination!

This includes the Liver, Colon, Lungs, Skin & Kidneys.

The main function of these organs is to create a barrier between the inner and outer world of the physical body, and clear the end products of metabolism, toxins we ingest and the substances from the other life forms in our bodies.

Detoxification is a complex process involving many vitamin and mineral co-factors. In some cases, the intermediate compounds formed during detoxification are more dangerous than the original compounds!

In our modern world with greater than 120 million registered industrial chemicals, we need to optimize our detoxification pathways!

Self-Care practices that nourish our emmunctory organs help keep us strong and vital.

Tasks for this Lesson

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Consider performing Organic Acids Test to see how your pathways are functioning

Read Dr Ben Lynch’s Book “Dirty Genes”