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Support Your Feminine Nature

The Female Reproductive Organs include the uterus, ovaries, vaginal vault, vulva and clitoris. This lesson is focused on support of the uterus.

The uterus is approximately the size and shape of a small pear, upside down, close to your pubic bone. This organ is held in place with multiple pairs of ligaments, into addition to a sheet of connective tissue called the broad ligament that holds the uterus and ovaries inside, and a circular ligament that holds up the cervix at the base of the womb. These ligaments are easily injured when a person experiences a sudden jarring movement or repetitive jouncing. Activities such as pregnancies, running on cement, gymnastics, falling out of trees when climbing, wearing high heels frequently and horseback riding place strain on these ligaments to keep the uterus in a midline and lifted position. If you want to know more about this, I have a different class for this.

All I want you to know is that the uterus is prone to tilting, folding and prolapsing over the years of a woman’s life.


It matters because the tilting, folding and prolapsing of the uterus decreases the efficiency of drainage of the endometrial lining. The lining is what your uterus, under direction from the brain and ovaries made in order to receive an embryo. So when you don’t conceive, the lining must drain, and this is your period blood. So it is wise to observe the menstrual blood for clues about how your uterus (brain and ovaries) are functioning.

Menstrual Flow should occur every 28-31 days, be painless, moderate flow over 4-7 days and smell just like fresh blood, not foul

Females prior to the industrial revolution mostly gave birth from the age of 16-17 until 40-42 years of age, every 2-3 years and breastfed their babies for 2-4 years. Modern women give birth for the first time, mostly at the age an ancient woman would be a grandmother. We are talking about a 10-fold increase in the number of menstrual cycles.

Pre-industrialized women have approximately 40 cycles of building an endometrial (the deep inside of the womb) lining, and only had to drain about 30 of them.

Modern women have 400 cycles and must drain almost all of them.

We are exposed to 120 million registered chemicals in the environment that have never been tested for when they are combined. We are now mostly sedentary animals, and have to find time to “work out”. A concept my grandmother would never have had since she had to walk miles every day prior to the second world war. I tell you this not to depress you, but to explain why your uterus is painful during menstruation, bleeds too much or too little, or won’t hold a pregnancy. Your uterus is not the enemy, Your uterus is the deep core of your natural body that is responding to the ways in which modern living is challenging health.

I want to show you some of the ways I teach women how to carve out time and space to nurture their vitality and heal the womb from these insults.

The first things we want to address include improving detoxification, reduce exposures to toxins in the environment and improve drainage of the period blood. This is Phase One.

There are elements of Phase One that are best done with the support of a functional medicine doctor. Using functional urine testing (either the DUTCH test or Organic Acids (OATs) testing to determine where specifically to focus on detox is a more efficient way to see results.

For example, methylation is one of the most important detoxification pathways, that gets jammed when eating a diet poor in foliage and high in wheat based products that are enriched with folic acid. Folic acid binds folate receptors and jams the detox pathway. We correct this with methylated folate and B12, but it would be irresponsible to say everybody needs to take methylated B vitamins.

Phase Two involves adding in nutrients and energy to enhance vitality, and this would be better as a 1:1 lesson to address your specific details.

You can book a free 15 min Discovery Call (video chat) to see if you want to go this route.