Phase One: Love Your Uterus

Before we can begin to address trauma, painful periods, infertility, peri.menopause we need to clear accumulated & unwanted matter. This program is designed to help you focus your attention and create your self-care practice with the purpose of clearing energy that dampens the vitality in your pelvis.

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Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

Clear Away Stagnation

When you are in your childbearing years, each month you create the most optimally nourishing uterine lining, for the possibility of creating new life

When you don’t conceive that lining needs to be released, in order to create another one next cycle

Over time, incomplete clearing of the endometrial lining will cause stagnation and interfere with communication between the womb and the brain

This program is designed to help you understand this process and how to improve the health of the inner lining of the womb

by Pete Alexopoulos for Unsplash  @pete_a